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in Chapter 1.2 On Saying “Please” by (8.1k points)

Etiquette and manners are very important for a person to live in the society. Read the following and put them in proper columns:

  1. To receive phone calls while you are in a lecture or class.
  2. To knock before you enter your Principal’s office.
  3. To thank the person who offers you tea or coffee.
  4. To be polite and courteous to others.
  5. To leave the classroom without the teacher’s permission.
  6. To occupy the seats reserved for ladies or physically challenged or elderly people on a bus or a train.

1 Answer

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by (8.1k points)
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Best answer
Appropriate Inappropriate
1. To knock before you enter your Principal’s office. 1. To receive phone calls while you are in a lecture or class.
2. To thank the person who offers you tea or coffee. 2. To leave the classroom without the teacher’s permission.
3. To be polite and courteous to others. 3. To occupy the seats reserved for ladies or physically challenged or elderly people on a bus or a train.

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