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in Chapter 2: Location and Extent by (98.9k points)

Q 1) Are the sentences right or wrong. ? Rewrite the wrong ones

(a) Brazil is mainly located in the Southern Hemisphere.

(b) Tropic of Capricorn passes through the middle of India.

(c) The longitudinal extent of Brazil is less than India.

(d) Equator passes through the northern part of Brazil.

(e) Brazil has a coastline along the Pacific Ocean.

(f) Pakistan is a neighbouring country to the south east of India.

(g) The southern part of India is called Peninsula.

1 Answer

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by (98.9k points)
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Best answer
(a) Brazil is mainly located in the Southern Hemisphere.
Answer: Right

(b) Tropic of Capricorn passes through the middle of India.
Answer: Wrong :>Tropic of Cancer passes through the middle of India.

(c) The longitudinal extent of Brazil is less than India.
Answer: Wrong:> The longitudinal extent of Brazil is more than India.

(d) Equator passes through the northern part of Brazil.
Answer: Right

(e) Brazil has a coastline along the Pacific Ocean.
Answer: Wrong:> Brazil has a coastline along the Atlantic Ocean

(f) Pakistan is a neighbouring country to the south east of India.
Answer: Wrong:> Pakistan is a neighbouring country to the north west of India

(g) The southern part of India is called Peninsula.
Answer: Right

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