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in Chapter 6: Population by

(a) Literacy Rate is higher in Brazil than India. 

 (b) In Brazil, people prefer living in the south east as compated to the north east. 

 (c) The life expectancy of Indians is decreasing. 

 (d) The north-western part of India is densely populated. 

 (e) The western part of Brazil is densely populated.

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Q1 Are the following sentences right or wrong? Correct the wrong ones.

a) Literacy Rate is higher in Brazil than India.

Answer: Right
Explaination:: As per UNESCO, literacy rate is total number of literate persons in a given age group, expressed as a percentage of the total population in that age group. Literacy rate has always been higher in Brazil but the rate of growth of literacy rate is higher in India. The difference in the literacy rate comes mainly because of population difference between the countries.

b) In Brazil, people prefer living in the south east as compared to the north east.

Answer: Right

Explaination:: In the south east, there are coastal lowlands where agriculture and industries have flourished and there are more human settlements. While the north east has unfavourable conditions due to the dense forests.

(c) The life expectancy of Indians is decreasing.

Answer: Wrong
Correct: The life expectancy of Indians is increasing.

(d) The north-western part of India is densely populated.

Answer: Wrong
Correct: The northern plains and certain other areas of India are densely populated.

(e) The western part of Brazil is densely populated.

Answer: Wrong.
Correct: The eastern coastal areas of Brazil are densely populated.

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