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in Chapter 9 Environmental Management by (98.9k points)

Explain with suitable examples, the care to be taken when using the methods of transporting patients.

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by (1.5k points)
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There are various methods to transport a patient with care. The specific type of method used Depends upon the condition of a patient and also Type of injury if any.

The following methods can be used for carefully transporting patients:
1. Carrying piggy back: This method can be used for transporting patients who are unconscious.

2. Cradle method: It can be used for transporting children and under-weight victims.

3. Pulling or lifting method: It can be used for carrying an unconscious patient through a short distance.

4. Human crutch method: This method is useful, if one of the legs is of the victim is injured. The victim should be supported with minimum load on the other leg.

5. Carrying on two-hand chair: This method can be used for those patients who cannot use their hands but can hold their body upright.

6. Carrying on four-hand chair: This method is implied when support is needed for the part below the waist.

7. Stretcher: If a conventional stretcher is not available in an emergency, then a temporary stretcher can be made using bamboos, blanket, etc.

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