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in Chapter 5 Magnetism and Matter by (2.2k points)
On the basis of magnetic properties, the substances are classified into three.
(a) What are these three classifications?
(b) Explain each of them.
(c) Give three examples for each.

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(a) On the basis of magnetic properties, different materials are classified into

  • Diamagnetic substances
  • Paramagnetic substances
  • Ferromagnetic substances

(b) On the basis of magnetic properties, different materials are classified into

  • Dia magnetic substances
  • Paramagnetic substances
  • Ferromagnetic substances

Diamagnetic substances are those substances in which the individual atom or molecule or ion does not possess any net magnetic moment of their own. These substances experience a very weak repulsive force in a magnetic field.
Example: Antimony, Bismuth, Copper, Gold, Quartz, Mercury, Lead, Water, Alcohol, Air, Hydrogen etc.

Paramagnetic substances are those substances in which the individual atom or molecule or ion possesses a net non-zero magnetic moment of their own. These substances experience a weak attractive force in a magnetic field.
Example: Aluminium, Platinum, Chromium, Manganese, Sodium, Copper chloride, Crown glass, Liquid oxygen, Salt solutions of iron and nickel.

Ferromagnetic substances are those substances in which each individual atom or molecule or ion possesses a non-zero magnetic moment. These substances experience a very strong force of attraction in a magnetic field.
Example: Iron, Nickel, Cobalt, etc.

(c) Based on the values and signs of susceptibility and permeability, we classify materials as diamagnetic, paramagnetic, and (or) ferromagnetic. It is now better to have a glance at the table.  

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