SEPM AI-DS/ML Question paper 2023

SEPM AI-DS/ML Question paper 2023

Regular paper :


a) Define software engineering and explain umbrella activities. (5 Marks)

b) Difference between white box and black box testing. (5 Marks)

c) Explain functional and non-functional requirements. (5 Marks)

d) Explain the golden rules for interface design. (5 Marks)


a) Elaborate COCOMO model for Cost estimation.

b) Illustrate the SCM process.


a) Describe the waterfall model and evolutionary process model. (10 Marks)

b) What is Risk management? Discuss Common sources of risk in IT projects. (10 Marks)


a) What are the different phases in project life cycle with suitable examples? (10 Marks)

b) What are the Agile Methodologies? Explain any of them. (10 Marks)


a) Develop the SRS of University Management system. (10 Marks)

b) Describe the details of FTR and Walkthrough. (10 Marks)


a) Explain project scheduling and describe CPM and PERT. (10 Marks)

b) Explain software reverse engineering in detail. (10 Marks)

KT Paper


a) Define software engineering and explain umbrella activities. (5 Marks)

b) Explain the 4 Ps of project Management. (5 Marks)

c) Explain functional and non-functional requirements. (5 Marks)

d) Explain the Agile process model. (5 Marks)


a) Elaborate COCOMO model for Cost estimation. (10 Marks)

b) Illustrate the SCM process of Software quality management. (10 Marks)


a) Describe the waterfall model and incremental process model. (10 Marks)

b) What is Risk management? Discuss RMMM plan for risk management. (10 Marks)


a) What are the different phases in project life cycle? Explain with suitable examples. (10 Marks)

b) Explain the user interface design in detail with examples. (10 Marks)


a) Develop the SRS of Hospital Management system. (10 Marks)

b) Describe the details of FTR and Walkthrough. (10 Marks)


a) Explain project scheduling and describe CPM and PERT. (10 Marks)

b) Differentiate between white box and black box testing. (10 Marks)

Repeated Questions :

Define software engineering and explain umbrella activities.
Explain functional and non-functional requirements.
Elaborate COCOMO model for Cost estimation.
Describe the waterfall model.
What is Risk management? Discuss Common sources of risk in IT projects.
What are the different phases in project life cycle with suitable examples?
Describe the details of FTR and Walkthrough.
Explain project scheduling and describe CPM and PERT.
Explain the Agile process model.
Develop the SRS of Hospital Management system.
Differentiate between white box and black box testing.


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